only sells Best Quality Grains .Our Kefir Grains are of International Origin & Very High Quality .Buy them once and you don’t need to buy them again in Lifetime.
Note : 1) If you buy Cheap Quality Grains you will have to buy them again and again but not if you invest once in Best and HIGH QUALITY Grains which is just 1 time investment for life !
2)Some other Websites are copying our content to a “T” to sound like us , Pls dont get mislead by that and remember that we are the OLDEST & PUREST supplier of KEFIR GRAINS in INDIA .
We only sell 100%Organic,Live &Pure Milk/Water Kefir Grains .
Our Grains are of extremely High Quality .
We are based out of New Delhi and Sell Grains in all India & Abroad through Courier Service.
With the grains you also get complete Instructions Manual .
We also provide complete Online Support till you are expert in making Kefir yourself .
You can reach us by call /whatsapp at 011-45000936 or 08588817525 .
Our Email id is .
[ PAYTM NO : 8588817525 ]
Note : 1) If you are not comfortable paying with payumoney , whatsapp us at 08588817525 for an alternate payment method (BANK TRANSFER) and we will assist you !
2) Both Milk Kefir Grains and Water kefir Grains are available . We only sell 100% Organic , Pure and Live Grains .For any Queries please whatsapp us @08588817525 . We are available online 24 Hours .
3) We also accept orders over WHATSAPP . To Order pls whastapp – 08588817525
4) We accept payments through DEBIT CARD /CREDIT CARD/NETBANKING / PAYTM . To Order click on BUY NOW button on our site.
5) Since our Grains are of extreme High Quality & International Origin thus you just need to buy them once and they can be used for your Generations with little gentle care .
“Kefir Grains are just 1 time Investment so you should buy the Best .Best Quality Grains for your Family’s Best Health. “
Buy Kefir
Ahoy! We team at simply want to bring near you an amazing product called KEFIR which not only enables you to loose weight but also helps in nourshing your body . Kefir not just enables you to loose oodles but also repairs the body side by side as its a rich source of natural probiotics . Drinking kefir has umpteem health benefits to your body as it improves the immunity and helps in detoxification by getting rid of heavy toxic waste from the system . With long years of harvesting research we think we are ready to introduce this superrich food to your daily diet . Our inspiration is simple – nature , anything natural can never be harmful . We hope to bring back health by using nature’s natural products and thats why we believe in spreading the love of kefir…………
MILK KEFIR- The Ultimate Superfood
Buy Kefir Grains Online
Kefir is a fermented drink which is like drinkable yogurt and contains the most effective nutrients and minerals which nourish the complete body . It is also a source of variety of beneficial probotics which has powerful healing qualities .
Kefir helps in removing many diseases from the body if taken regularly and is completely healthy as its highly natural .Kefir has no sideeffects as it is made using regular milk that we generally drink at home .
Home Made kefir is believed to have around 60 essential healthy probiotics compared to yogurt which has only 6 . That is why kefir is very very nutritious for our body when compared to yogurt that we normally take . So you can easily replace yogurt in your diet with kefir which also helps to loose weight fast.
Kefir repairs the whole body cells and builds inner immunity which protects us from catching many seasonal diseases and other ailments .Kefir also helps in detoxifying our body in the process of repairing and removing many diseases .
Kefir is made using kefir granulas or kefir grains and milk . Because it is made with milk and is fermented so it also has calcium and proteins which builds up our bones and is 99% lactose free. Since proteins present in kefir are already partially digested , so they can be easily utilised by the body .Kefir is also a rich source of magnesium , phosporous , vitamin K2 , folates , thaimin , B12 and other B vitamins .
Since kefir repairs our faulty cells and nourish our body so it doesnot allow the fat to gets deposited in the body and helps in reducing weight and getting our body in perfect shape .
In crux kefir can be called a delicious superfood which is a complete nutritional punch which when introduced in your diet will make you super healthy and very strong internally. Because of kefir’s nutritional value it is highly recommended to include kefir in your diet plan by the dietients around the world.
Milk Kefir Story
Milk Kefir Story
In the early 1900’s, the Physicians’ Society who heard about this amazing elixer tried to obtain some kefir grains from a prince, Bek-Mirza Barchorov. They sent over a beautiful female employee, Irina Sakharova, to beguile him to share. While her efforts were unsuccessful in getting him to give her the grains, he did propose marriage to her and kidnapped her when she tried to leave. She was eventually rescued and later threatened Prince Bek-Mirza with legal action. After refusing his offer of jewels in reparation, and to avoid further prosecution, he gave her kefir grains . There, the probiotic kefir that was produced became widely used to treat tuberculosis (before the availability of antibiotics), digestive disorders, atherosclerosis and even cancer, with apparent success. Kefir became an extremely popular drink in Europe and Asia , and later throughout World , because of the excitement over its purported health benefits.
The word kefir is said to origin from a Turkish word keif, which loosely translates to “good feeling,” most likely because of how consuming kefir made the people feel. Kefir has been pronounced in different ways:
Ke-feer’ is one way that people pronounce it, sounding almost French with its short e followed by a long ee sound.
Kee’-fur is one of the more common ways it is pronounced by most People . The long ee sound followed by the word fur is a more blunt pronunciation and perhaps the most popular.
Keh’-fur is another pronunciation that you will commonly hear and is often used by those of Middle Eastern descent.
There really is no right or wrong way to say kefir, as pronunciation varies in different cultures and communities.
` Kefir & Diabetes
“Everyone Knows Someone Who Needs This Information!”
Researchers have found that the microbiome, or the bacterial community that lives within your intestines, is altered in patients with diabetes. Diabetics have more “bad bacteria” in their gut, and less “good bacteria. In is unknown whether this is the result of metabolic changes or if it is the cause.
Milk kefir is an effective home remedy for type II diabetes. Kefir is a milk that has been fermented by a bacteria culture that is present in kefir grains. Kefir grains are made up of yeasts and bacteria that exist symbiotically in a community of proteins and sugars. Simply put, kefir is fermented milk with a host of probiotics (friendly, beneficial bacteria). It is also packed with enzymes, folic acid, vitamins (B and K) and minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorous. Milk kefir can be easily made without too much trouble at home using Milk and Kefir Grains .
Another important content is digestible protein. The types of protein found in kefir are not meat-based and so they will neither damage the heart nor raise cholesterol levels. Instead, they will help in rebuilding cells, organs and systems.
A connection has been made between the bacteria staphylococcus aureus and type II diabetes. If a person has diabetes because his body has too much of the bacteria staphylococcus aureus, or the toxins that result from it, then treating the staphylococcus aureus may solve the diabetes problem.
The “good bacteria,” Lactobacillus Casei, is one that fights the “bad bacteria” staphylococcus aureus. A good way to get this good bacteria is through milk kefir.
Serious issues for all diabetics are nutrition, immunity and energy.
Diabetics’ cells are actually being starved — of nutrition (even though they may eat well) and consequently, starved for energy production. Probiotic bacteria in kefir* actually help produce nutrients; help your body absorb nutrients; help reduce stress on the immune system and provide tools for immunity.
How Do I Use Milk Kefir for Diabetes Type II?
One cup of milk kefir should be consumed on an empty stomach daily for two months. If you are using store-bought milk kefir, you should make sure it contains, L. Casei. This bacteria is also found in some supplements and in some yogurts.
According to “The Diabetes Club”, people with diabetes should also consider drinking kefir and other fermented dairy products with lactic acid such as yogurt, sour milk and some cottage cheeses. Furthermore, what diabetics need that kefir can provide is the power to win over the unnecessary cravings for food. In addition to lactic acid, kefir has naturally occurring sugar contents and these can help in regulating blood sugar levels. As blood sugar levels drop, people feel an urge to eat. Kefir can eliminate those urges. This is also why kefir is considered a helpful drink for weightwatchers.
So, there it is. The web is teeming with testimonials of diabetic patients who have found a sense of balance and happiness after including kefir in their regular diet. The best thing about kefir is that is has no side effects. This means diabetics have nothing to lose and potentially with everything to gain when drinking kefir.
When the balance of microbiota is disturbed, the person involved can become susceptible to disease. You have to have the friendly bacteria in sufficient numbers to fight off the harmful, even life-threatening, bacteria. Several factors, like stress, altitude changes, erratic eating patterns, improper foods, lack of proper foods, parasitic organisms, food additives, chlorinated water, diarrhoea, and use of antibiotics, could contribute to such a disruption.
Both yogurt and milk kefir are cultured milk products. Both the foods are good for health as they are rich in calcium, protein, vitamin B and potassium. They are a little sour in taste and have an identical tart. Both yogurt and milk kefir can be found in plain form and in different fruit flavors. The live cultures used to produce both yogurt and milk kefir results in the breakdown of the milk sugar. This facilitates lactose digestion. Their primary difference lies in the types and numbers of beneficial bacteria contained in them.Below are the chief differences between milk kefir and yogurt :
1) Milk kefir contains plenty of beneficial yeasts that eliminates the pathogenic yeasts from the body. They keep the intestine clean and healthy. These beneficial yeasts are not present in yogurt.
2) Both yogurt and milk kefir contains probiotics. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria and beneficial yeasts that are normally found in the intestine of humans. They restrict the growth of harmful bacteria which can cause diseases and also boosts the immune system of the body. Milk kefir contains three times the probiotics that are present in yogurt. Your immune system will be highly boosted and you will stay healthy.
3) The consistency of milk kefir is much thinner than that of yogurt. It is usually obtained as a beverage. You can pour some milk kefir over a cereal, drink it or combine it with fruits to make smoothie. On the other hand, the consistency of yogurt is thicker and it cannot be drunk.
4) The individuals who are totally lactose intolerant can tolerate milk kefir but they cannot tolerate yogurt. This is because the plenty of beneficial bacteria present in milk kefir would digest the lactose in the milk. Therefore the lactose that would be left in kefir is almost 1%. So lactose intolerant individuals can easily have milk kefir.
5) Milk kefir is also easier to digest than yogurt . This makes milk kefir a nutritious and ideal food for the elderly people, babies and people having chronic digestive disorders.
How to Make Kefir
Making Kefir at home is very simple and easy . Kefir which is believed to be a nutritional punch has around 60 strains of healthy probiotics . Home made kefir is also more nutritious than any store bought kefir . Making kefir is no rocket science so please make kefir at home to get its maximum benefits.
To make Kefir you need following things :
1) Glass Jar with lid
2) Kefir grains or kefir granulas ( which you can buy from )
3) Milk which has been boiled to remove any pathogenic Bacteria and then warmed .
4) Wooden Spoon
5) Plastic Strainer
1) Put warm / room temperature milk around 200 ml ( pls don’t put hot milk- if you can’t put your finger in the milk so its hot … as it will destroy kefir grains ) in the glass jar and add the Kefir Cultures in it and stir softly . Close the lid loosely then . You can also cover it with cloth and secure it with a rubberband for it to breathe . You can also use cold milk but avoid freezed milk .
2) Keep this mixture in room temperature inside a kitchen cupboard (NO direct sunlight) for 24 hours and this will lead to fermentation of the milk .Temperature should be between 75F to 90F .Above 90F kefir become too sour. Below 75F kefir do not happen.
3) The unique mixture of milk and kefir cultures will give kefir its distinct flavor and texture after 24 hours . Take out kefir after 24 hours from the cupboard and you will see some whey( watery liquid ) or bubbles on the top which is normal . Stir the kefir using a wooden spoon .
4) After Stirring , sieve the kefir using wooden spoon in a glass container and yooohoooo !! our kefir is ready to drink. You will see some frizzyness in kefir which is normal as it is CO2 ( carbon dioxide ) released during the fermentation process .
5) You can put kefir in fridge and drink when its cool . It will taste more delicious when cooled .
6) The same Kefir grains can be reused for making next batch of kefir :). To make next batch follow the steps mentioned above from 1 to 5 .
1) You can use the same glass jar to make next batch of kefir . There is no need to wash the jar again and again . You can wash the jar after a week or so . Fermentation will be better if we use the same jar .
2) The kefir grains or cultures are quite acidic, meaning that kitchen implements made from aluminum, iron, brass or copper are likely to release toxic metals into your kefir or on to the grains. Stainless steel is much less reactive however, and is a good alternative if you don’t have more suitable tools. Thus opt for Glass Jar , wooden spoon and plastic sieve when handling KEFIR.
3)If you see whey (watery liquid) and kefir milk seperation that means either Temperature is more or the grains is more . Adjust it accordingly the next day .
4) Also make sure that everything is really clean. This applies particularly to the glass jar in which the milk and kefir will be fermenting. Any contaminants may spoil your kefir and you’ll have to start all over again !!
Choosing Equipments for making KEFIR
Choosing right kind of Equipments while making Kefir is very important as any wrong equipment used might harm the Kefir Grains . Officially you only need a Culturing Container and Its cover to make kefir .
Glass. Glass is hands-down the best option for culturing kefir. Glass containers are relatively easy and inexpensive to obtain. Glass won’t react to the acidity of the ferment. They doesn’t scratch easily, nor does it contain chemicals such as BPA.
You may also use Porcelin or Ceremic but make sure they are coated in a food-grade glaze to avoid potential contact with lead. Avoid porcelain pieces such as vases or decorative pottery that are not-food grade . Though it is always best to use Glass Jar for making Kefir .
While making Kefir one should be avoiding using Plastics / Metals /Cystals .Not even Food grade plastic is recommended while making kefir .
Container Size
You can make kefir in any size jar. Container size will eventually depend upon how much kefir you will consume as each batch of kefir will culture in about 24 hours or less. It is better for the health of the kefir grains to continually make small batches than to make large batches and take breaks.
Once the kefir has finished culturing, there are several ways to remove the kefir grains so they can be placed in fresh milk. We recommend a Plastic Fine Mesh Strainer as the best option, especially when working with new grains. Again, when straining grains, metal should be avoided.
You have lots of options for covering your culturing container. When choosing a cover, keep in mind…
The cover should allow the culture to breathe.
Effective coverings include tight-weave dish towels or fabric, a paper towel, a paper coffee filter, etc. Avoid loose-weave fabric and screens.
You’ll also want to secure the cover to keep out pests such as ants or fruit flies. You can do this with a tight rubber band .
While a tight-fitting lid should not be used during the fermentation process, it is handy to have a lid for storage after fermentation is complete.
Call or whatsapp us @ 08588817525 and get your queries solved immediately .
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50 Reasons to Drink Kefir Today
50 Reasons To Begin Drinking Kefir Today
Supports a healthy immune system
Natural energy boost
Increases healthy micro flora in the gut
It literally means “feel good” in Turkish
Helps to curb cravings for junk food
Supports healthy digestive system
Supports regular bowel movements
Contains high amounts of minerals
Kefir is a complete protein
It’s abundant in tryptophan, which is relaxing to the nervous system
Contains an abundance of calcium and magnesium which are supportive to a healthy nervous system
Rich in enzymes that help us digest our food
Contains high amounts of protein
It’s very filling and great for weight loss
If you have taken antibiotics kefir will help repopulate your digestive tract with healthy bacteria
Kefir contributes to, enhances, and stabilizes the microorganisms of the intestines.
Kefir can actually colonize the digestive tract with additional beneficial bacteria; yogurt just feeds the good bacteria you already have in your digestive tract
Kefir has been consumed by people with AIDS, chronic fatigue syndrome, cancer and herpes.
Kefir has been known to help those with sleep disorders, ADHD and depression.
It helps to reduce flatulence , Bloating , IBS and improves overall Gut Flora.
Nursing mothers who drink kefir help support the immune system of their nursing babies
Kefir is also rich in vitamin B-12, vitamin K and biotin.
Especially safe and nutritious for children
Drinking kefir helps you digest other foods. Have trouble digesting that t-bone steak? Drink some kefir before and after. (I have personal experience with this!)
There are over 400 species of bacteria living in our digestive tract, it’s important to keep the good bacteria healthy to crowd out the bad bacteria, drinking kefir will help immensely with this
Kefir contains lactic acid, which is good for healthy skin
Kefir has anti-aging and anti-inflammatory properties
It may help you loose weight, as it is a great source of protein and keeps you full longer without empty calories.
One serving (1 cup/ 135 calories) of kefir provides you will 30% of your daily value of calcium and protein
Kefir helps to prevent infections such as yeast overgrowth
Kefir is helpful with urinary tract infections
For what little time you spend “making” kefir you reap huge benefits
There are 8-11 grams of protein per cup of kefir
1 c. provides 25% of the daily amount of Vitamin D you need
Although kefir is made from milk the process of turning it into kefir almost completely eliminates the lactose. Often those who have trouble with lactose can handle kefir
Homemade kefir can have up to 50 strains of beneficial bacteria in it as opposed to just 3 strains, or less, of bacteria in yogurt
Kefir acts as a natural antibiotic due to the fact that it prevents the growth of harmful bacteria
Drinking kefir helps to balance your blood sugar and may be helpful for those with blood sugar imbalances.
It has been known to help those with diarrhea and leaky gut syndrome
Kefir contains lots of phosphorus, which is the second most abundant mineral in our body
Kefir gives you energy!
It helps detoxify the body
Drinking kefir can help your body combat allergies
It helps rid the body of candida
Supports healthy blood pressure
Supports a healthy brain
Supports healthy joints
Kefir eats up extra sugar in your body
Kefir is full of amino acids
It’s delicious and versatile.
Kefir is a milk beverage which is little tangy in taste . Kefir being a complete meal in itself is recommended by many dieticians to include in thediet chart. Its has all the essential vitamins , minerals , probiotics and nutrients that make kefir a super rich food and a must in everybody’s diet plan . Kefir not only helps in weight loss but also nourishes the complete body . It also has healing properties which repairs the damaged cells in the body and makes our bodies internally more strong which is why it helps in loosing weight .
Dieting with kefir doesnot require you to starve yourself but if you drink kefir in breakfast with a fruit of your choice that calls for a high dose of healthy breakfast . Since it has proteins and calcium in good quantities so one doesnot feel hungry after taking kefir till lunch time .Regularly consuming kefir in breakfast will not allow fat to get deposited in the body . Kefir also has a relaxing effect on our nervous system . If you include low-fat kefir( use skimmed milk while making kefir ) in your weight-loss menu and you consume fewer calories than you burn off each day, you should lose weight .
Regularly drinking Kefir helps to reduce BMI , Lower waist circumference and also body fat .One reason for this is kefir’s high protein content. Protein helps you feel full for long periods of time and boosts your body’s energy expenditure and makes you eat less by controlling your mouth . Actually Kefir and Proteins are intertwined . Kefir is a very good source of calcium , proteins , vitamins , minerals and other nutrients .
Whole-milk fruit-flavored kefir products, however, aren’t the best choice for weight loss because they are higher in calories.One cup of plain, low-fat kefir contains about 11 grams of dietary protein.Low-fat kefir, when consumed in recommended quantities, is a healthy addition to a weight-loss meal plan. It makes a convenient between-meal snack that also helps you meet your dairy requirement.
If you are following palio’s diet where all dairy products are prohibited you can take kefir since it is 99% lactose free and is easily digestible . Taking kefir will compensate for not taking milk and will also help you in loosing oodles of weight and make you fit and healthy .
KeFir Nutrition
Probiotics:Kefir is one of the most potent sources of probiotics and can be mixed with smoothies or you can just drink it by itself!
Phosphorus:Kefir gives you an ample supply of phosphorus which helps in utilizing the carbohydrates, fats and proteins for growth of cells, maintenance and energy.
Essential amino acids:Apart from the good bacteria , kefir is full of minerals and essential amino acids which help your body heal and maintain bodily functions. Tryptophan, which is known for its relaxing effect on the nervous system, is found abundantly in kefir.
Calcium and magnesium:There is a whole lot of calcium and magnesium which are important minerals for a healthy nervous system.
Vitamins:In addition to being rich in Vitamin B12, B1 and Vitamin K, kefir is the powerhouse of biotin (B Vitamin) which aids the body in assimilating other B Vitamins like folic acid and pantothenic acid. An adequate intake of B Vitamin helps in regulating your kidneys, liver and nervous system which in turn boosts your energy levels and promote longevity and assist in weight loss .
How Much kefir Should I Consume ?
Buy Kefir Grains
Since you will be starting to consume kefir for the first time in life and i m sure after some time you would only want more of this super food .
I recommend – START SLOWLY !
Just 5 – 6 big spoons or 30 ml a day for the first two weeks should be enough to slowly introduce your body to this magical substance . Later you should increase the quantity to 50 ml and then 100ml as your body gets use to it .Recommended quantity is 1 cup a day to give you all the nourishment that you deserve .
The information on our site is not purposed to replace professional medical diagnosis, treatment or even advice. You should always consult a qualified healthcare professional with questions about any medical condition. The information provided is not a substitute for medical or psychological treatment. Any results presented on this website do not constitute a warranty, guarantee, or prediction regarding the outcome of an individual for any particular issue. While all materials and links to other resources are posted in good faith, the accuracy, validity, effectiveness, completeness, or usefulness of any information herein, as with any publication, cannot be guaranteed. accepts no responsibility or liability whatsoever for the use or misuse of the information contained on our Website. We strongly advise that you seek professional advice as appropriate before making any health decision.