Buy Kefir Grains Online in Arunachal Pradesh


 Buy Kefir Grains online in Arunachal Pradesh

Buy Kefir Grains online in Arunachal Pradesh


Buy Kefir Grains online in Arunachal Pradesh and Itanagar online . We sell Best Quality Live Organic Kefir Grains in India online .

Kefir has been for centuries taken for its overall positive effects on the immune system. Long known to contain potent amounts of protein and calcium, it is a good source of vitamin K2 as well. A product of bacterial fermentation, vitamin K2 can also be found in other fermented foods and beverages like natto, kimchi, kombucha, and yogurt.

Buy kefir Grains Online in Arunachal Pradesh —>  

Vitamin K and its class of vitamins like vitamin K2 have long been thought of as only crucial for blood clotting. However, evidence is mounting that vitamin K2 has an array of other functions and has been found essential for optimal brain function. Adequate intake of this particular vitamin has also been found to help lower the odds of developing coronary heart disease. Vitamin K2 intake from food has been linked with reduced risk of developing cancer, and specifically shows preventive and even therapeutic effects on breast cancer and potentially on prostate cancer as well.

Kefir is made using kefir granulas or kefir grains  and milk . Because it is made with milk and is fermented  so it also has calcium and proteins which builds up our bones and is 99% lactose free. Since proteins present in kefir are already partially digested , so they can be easily utilised by the body .Kefir is also a  rich source of magnesium , phosporous , vitamin K2 , folates , thaimin , B12 and other B vitamins .

Kefir is a milk beverage which is little tangy in taste . Kefir being a complete meal in itself is recommended by many dieticians to include in thediet chart. Its has all the essential vitamins , minerals , probiotics and nutrients that make kefir a super rich food and a must in everybody’s diet plan . Kefir not only helps in weight loss but also nourishes the complete body . It also has healing properties which repairs the damaged cells in the body and makes our bodies internally more strong which is why it helps in loosing weight .